
How to get your child ready for school?
How to get your child ready for school?


It is obvious that kids go to school with mixed emotions. On one side, some of them can be super thrilled to meet new friends and enjoy every lesson. On the other side, they can get very anxious and upset with the new environment. Parents are always worried about how their child would cope in the first few weeks of schools, until they fall into the routine and start enjoying school. The feelings of parents will get reflected in the child. Positive parents usually prefer their child to see school as a fun place and recognise the vibrations of going to school. They usually help their child get ready for new environment by buying school clothes for them, practicing the routine of going to school, practicing self-reliance or even teaching them how to write and read.

Different types of embroidery designs
Different types of embroidery designs


There are many different types of embroidery designs, yet when you are in the fashion and embroidery industry, you need to remember three main types of embroidery designs. We are going to introduce to you three kinds of embroidery designs: Shadow, French knot and applique