Different types of embroidery designs



There are many different types of embroidery designs, yet when you are in the fashion and embroidery industry, you need to remember three main types of embroidery designs. We are going to introduce to you three kinds of embroidery designs: Shadow, French knot and applique

There are many different types of embroidery designs, yet when you are in the fashion and embroidery industry, you need to remember three main types of embroidery designs. We are going to introduce to you three kinds of embroidery designs: Shadow, French knot and applique.

Shadow embroidery

Shadow Work is a type of embroidery worked on semi-sheer or sheer fabric, with the bulk of the embroidery on the back of the design so that the color of the thread – or rather, a shadow of the color – shows through on the front of the fabric between two solid-colored outlines.

The stitch used in shadow work embroidery is essentially backstitch, but it is worked between two lines, alternating back and forth between the two lines with each stitch.

On the back of the fabric, the resulting closely worked herringbone stitch forms a layer of criss-crossing threads that shows through on the front of the fabric with just a hint of color between the backstitch outlines.

Shadow is a relatively quick way to work up a decorative initial. Letters that are made up of gently curved lines work really well for shadow work. In addition, shadow technique can also be used on other designs such as bunny shadow embroidered patterns, lamb shadow embroidered pattern    

Gorgeous bunny shadow embroidery I back cut-out dress - DR 242

French knot embroidery.

French knot is one of the simplest of all knots. Interestingly, however, it is often hailed as the one of the most difficult-to-do stitches. This stitch can be used to do little colourful flowers, or as a filling stitch to fill in small circles and centre of flowers. Many closely done french knots can give a ‘woolly’ appearance and can be used creatively. Can you even imagine that a French knot can form a maple tree patterns or snowman holding a broom patterns.


Colorful flowers embroidery and french knot bubble - DR 177


Applique is a type of embroidery that employs a smaller patch or fabric to be applied or sewed onto a larger fabric or surface. It is mostly one piece of fabric in its entirety.

Applique work employs a number of stitches to attach the applied pieces on to the base material. Some of the most common stitches and their uses are straight stitch. Straight stitch or running stitch is the most common type of stitch practiced while attaching Appliqué patches onto the base material. It is usually followed on the outline of edges. Satin stitch is another popular stitch used all over to basically overlap the edges.

Applique technique is often be used on children’s clothing. There are many appliqué patterns that are suitable for children, ranging from simple shapes to applique custom gifts for Christmas, birthdays, Valentine or your own decorating like ladybugs, LOVE, mermaids.

There will be other stories about embroidery techniques as well as designs. Please stay in touch with us

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