

We would like to introduce our new fabric - cotton satin which is very hot incoming season. Here come the traditional and timeless designs which always remain their name "The most favorite items" forever.
We would like to share with you the Catwalk which was represented "Babeeni Mommy & Me Collection" on the Apparel Sourcing Paris 2018 event.
Hi mommy, today I want to share with you a touching story about how your children's dream can transform your life.

Our manager Mr Le Thanh Hai had a sincere talk about vocational training and creating jobs for handicapped people in a meaningful "One heart - One world" program on VTC2

One heart-One world is an annual program of Association in Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans (ASVHO). The participants are businesses and benefactors to gain charity fund for disabled people and orphan children. Babeeni was a great honor to take part in the program. Especially, our manager Mr Le Thanh Hai had a sincere talk about vocational training and creating jobs for handicapped people.