Buy 10 lots, Get FREE 3 lots



Dear all of our beloved customers,

As you know we are going to the end of 2022, we have to say it was a rough financial year for everybody. As one of the biggest suppliers, we truly understand the difficulty of our retailers and we feel thankful because we still have you guy to walk the path with us no matter how rough this year is.

Today, we would like to announce our biggest sale promotion of our history on this Black Friday Event. Please read the explanation mentioned below:

For every 10 lots, you will get 3 free lot which has smaller value than a cheapest lot in that 10 lots.

For example, if you buy 5 lots of 115$, 3 lots of 112$ and 2 lots of 105$, you will get 3 free of choice lots which is ≤105$.

Care and Sharing is our goal, we hope this sale event can support our retails somehows in this financial condition. Wish everybody have a good time with your family and all the good things will come to us in this Holiday and New Year.
