

A meaningful & joyful children's day

Children's Day is a day recognised to celebrate children. The day is celebrated on various calendar dates in different countries & many children are eager to welcome this day. To respond with this special day, Babeeni held a party for all staff's children in Babeeni with many meaning & exciting activities & presents.

With careful preparation before, the party started at 7 p.m with attendance of all guests & Babeeni’s staff & their children.


Everyone had intimate & very happy dinner & children took part in activities & joyful games during the programs with happiness & pleasure.

Many performance of singing, reading poetry & dancing are performed eagers & passional. After each activity, children received motivational spirit gifts.

Performance of Le Wave

Performance of Lala

Dancing of baby girl

Children was eager to receive gift after performance

In this days, Director of Babeeni especially gave for children who had excellent academic achievements 

Finally, Director & Vice- director gave meaningful gifts for all children in this party.

Smiles on children’s face

Till 9p.m, the party ended. All had smiles on their faces. It was really meaningful & joyful day. All children had a happy & joyful day. Thank you to Babeeni company's Managers giving such a memorable program.
